Sunday, October 30, 2005

magic bus


Saturday, October 29, 2005

buffets, showgirls and classic sandstone routes

I'm having too much fun. Words will come later!

By the way, Paul, Lukasz and I have decided to get married here-- the three of us will become one unit. I will be hyphenating my name after this but you can call me "Michelle C-C-F."

gone climbing

Sunday, October 23, 2005

little problem

I have a little problem. I restrained myself at the yarn stores today and bought a single skein. Even so, when I got home, I did a stash inventory. My yarn does not fit in this little basket:

Its been years since its all fit in that little basket. Instead I have it stuffed in drawers, sitting in bags, hidden in my car and in my desk at work (I keep three projects there). And, even though I have well over a half dozen projects going right now, I have more yarn than you can shake a stick at.
Today, I bough fleece so I can thrum-a-long.

Some lucky friend or family member will have sweaty hands this winter.

I haven't worked on this sweater in over two years. Its my first sweater and I made up the pattern myself. The sleeves scare me-- I have no idea how to make the arms work. So I'm going to rip it and make this instead. I won't even have to adjust the gauge.

I found the lost pattern for the TASI shawl. Now that its prime knitting weather, I can work on it without suffering from sweaty legs. Its reached the point where it takes well over a half hour to do a row. So its going to be a movie-shawl (no subtitles!).

I haven't decided yet if I like this cable pattern for an alpaca scarf. I think that means that I don't.

Andrew-- your socks will be made, I promise!

Any suggestions for the Lijiang wool?

I have enough for a men's sweater. Perhaps a shawl?

The Beijing wool will become some handbags.

Theres more stuff at work...

I have an exciting week ahead of me. On Tuesday, I will be wearing a suit & make-up. On Thursday, I leave for Las Vegas.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

spiffy brown shoes

I drove 400 miles this weekend and didn't touch any rock. I did, however, hang out with my sister and try on a lot of shoes. I am now the proud owner of some spiffy brown pumps. I even have two outfits that requite brown (not black!) pumps. Cha-cha-cha-cha-changes.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Joe and Denise got married!!!!!

I spent my weekend in Detroit where I went to Joe and Denise's wedding. I am incredibly happy for them. It is rare to witness such a strong, solid and loving relationship.

Some pics from pool the night before (in lieu of a bachelors party)

and the wedding day...

mini-adventure climbing at Rumney

I didn't climb this weekend but two weekends ago...

I climbed Golddigger on the Main Cliff with Charley. Its an old trad route that was recently retrobolted. Instead of following chalk marks, we had to find the bolts in the lichen (or not and spice things up with a little run-out traverse). What appeared to be chalky holds was actually smooth rock covered in guano.

We made it to the top and then had an exciting double rappel (complete with a swing-in to the first belay ledge).

I spent this weekend in Detroit at Joe & Denise's wedding. (woohoo!!!) Apparently it rained all weekend long in New Hampshire.